Occasional table on roller casters

Occasional table on roller casters

The cube as an example of our side tables. A cube out of inverted angle-iron welded to a fame that accommodates five areas of waxed reclaimed wood. The steel is wire-rushed and waxed. Custom made to a size you like, optionally with roller casters. Pricing stAs copies from wooden trestles we found when we took over our granite carving shop in Pittsburgh that was build around 1890, we build you wooden boxes and tables and stools. The wood is 2" thick reclaimed Pennsylavia ceiling rafter pine - milled, sanded and waxed in a way that some original feature, including scars from old nails and smaller holes that were drilled for the old fashioned knob- and tube electrical wiring. This century old wood gives a very nice surface structure. The tresles can be build with roller casters. We fabricate according to your specifications.

Occasional table on roller casters
Occasional table on roller casters